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Lily Owens gives a flawless concerto performance


Lily gave a very imaginative, colourful and flawless performance of Huw Watkins's Flute Concerto. Lily is one of those rare players, who can grab the attention of their audience with her wide palette of colours, well-crafted melodic lines and impressive dexterity in fast passages. She is the awardee of the Flute – Levit silver ‘David Ganderton – Savile Club’. 

In the words of Lily when asked how she was enjoying playing her flute: '...having the opportunity of playing this flute completely changed my playing and my life!'

In the photo left to right are Arturo Serna (Deputy Director of the Cherubim Music Trust), Lily, Susie Hodder-Williams (Lily's teacher) and Edward Leaker (Head of woodwind at Wells School).



Helping Tomorrow's Musicians Today

Cherubim Music Trust (Charity No 1088403)
Professional-level instrument loans


Director: Michael Maxwell Steer.

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