Bach at Wardour Chapel
Seating Plan
The chapel seating areas have differing quality of view and sound - higher priced tickets will have the better qualities.
Please see the diagram and sight/sound indications below.

Front 6 pews £44 optimal view & sound
Chancel L £39 view of keyboard
Chancel R £30 no view of keyboard
Organ gallery £33 good view & sound
Tribunes L&R £30 good view & sound
Rear 8 pews £25 good sound, fair view
Back seats £18 at very rear
Getting here
On arrival turn right to the carpark. It is then a short walk to the Chapel. A map to the venue can be found at https://www.cherubimtrust.org/wardour-seating
If you are bringing someone who cannot walk far it is permitted to drive them straight ahead to the Chapel door, but you should then go to the carpark.
There will probably not be an interval, although a pause may be made to check the harpsichord tuning.
We are hopeful that there will be no restrictions due to Covid. We will monitor the situation and inform you of any guidelines in advance of the event.
Queries to mms@cherubimtrust.org