On Sunday 27th September the final of the Cherubim Harp Competition took place at St. Mary's Church in Barnes in London. It was a fantastic day, seeing wonderful performances from all 5 finalists. The judges were ultimately faced with a very difficult decision but in the end it was decided to award the Cherubim harps to Clara Gatti-Comini and Aisha Palmer. Clara and Aisha will now have exclusive loan of the instruments for the next 5 years or until they turn 28. The finalists in the competition were Mari Kelly, Zoe McNamee, Tara Viscardi, Aisha Palmer and Clara Gatti-Comini. The judges were Professor Gabriella Dall'Olio, Heidi Krutzen, former Cherubim harp awardee Heather Brooks, and Maxwell and Clancy Steer. Cherubim are lucky enough to own 2 harps - A Lyon and Healy Type 100 donated by Wallace Curzon Trust in memory of Lady Lucille Wallace Curzon and a Salvi Aurora purchased with a grant from the Promenaders' Musical Charities and donations in memory of Charles Steer. As ever we are hugely grateful for everyone’s generous contributions. We'd also like to say a huge thanks to St. Mary's for allowing us to host the final at the church and to everyone involved in making the day such a success despite the current Covid restrictions.
