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Bassoon – Moosmann, ‘Rothermere-Gosling’

Moosmann Bassoon No. 200 Soloist Model

Bought in 2011 with donations from the Rothermere and Gosling Foundations, the Moosmann 200 Soloist Model Bassoon is currently on loan to its second awardee. See Gareth Humphreys perform Mozart’s Bassoon Concerto on it below.

Seasoned curly mountain maple wood from Bosnia, stained mahogany; French polish lacquer; 27 keys made of German silver, silver-plated; all fingerholes have hard rubber tubes, protruding inside the bore; 9 rollers.
Seasoned curly mountain maple
French polish lacquer finish
E/F# trill key/ left hand, middle finger
C# trill right hand, 1st finger
Double Bb key/ right hand, 3rd finger
Double low C key, removeable
Tubes protruding inside bore
Silverplated keywork
Double Eb/ C# D# trill key

Bassoon – Moosmann, ‘Rothermere-Gosling’

Gareth Humphreys, Mozart Bassoon Concerto in Bb, Rondo Allegro


Helping Tomorrow's Musicians Today

Cherubim Music Trust (Charity No 1088403)
Professional-level instrument loans


Director: Michael Maxwell Steer.

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